As well as classes for the body, we have classes for the mind, and this page is dedicated to the worldwide famous discipline - Yoga!
When you think about fitness you think about body only, but that’s why we are a health club – we tackle much more than fitness.
A prime example for this is the fact we have a lot of Body and Mind classes, like Power Yoga and Traditional Yoga, which combine the two core components of ourselves in a way that trains both the body and the spirit.
A Natural Way to Wind Down:
In today’s world where everyone’s bustling with stress and our daily life is riddled with activity and worries, our bodies and our minds falter. We get depression, anxiety issues and even physical problems like obesity.
Yoga classes are a natural way to give our bodies the breath they need, and a healthy way to put a stop to all that, letting you wind down, relax and get back on your feet to tackle yet another day of work.
Yoga is an ideal discipline for people who feel restless or have trouble sleeping as well as for those who want to commune with their inner self.